This extract was made to mimic the traditional preparation of these plants before their usage in wound healing and skin infections [17]. extracts was evaluated and measurement of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1and IL-6. KFM02 did not inhibit IL-6 at the highest concentration (200?by the extracts differed across concentrations, KFM05? ?SPK04? ?KFM02 at 200?and polyherbal extract. It is also among the very few studies that have reported the inhibitory effect of cytokines pyrvinium IL-1and IL-6), interferons (IFN), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-and fruits boiled with milk are used in Botswana to treat sexually transmitted diseases; the bark of is used in Nigeria to treat inflammation, dysentery, and cancer [9, 10], and fruits are used as anti-inflammatories in Kenya, Embu community [11]. Furthermore, antioxidant [12C14] and anti-inflammatory studies [15, 16] have been conducted on the various parts of and the species has proven effective. The anti-inflammatory activity of has also been documented and scientifically validated. In Senegal, bruised leaves and plants of are applied to wounds [17] as a poultice. The methanol and aqueous extracts of leaves have been proven to have anti-inflammatory (paw edema induced by carrageenan) activity in rats [18]. Traditionally, has been used either as a single herb or in combination with other plants for increased potency. In Africa, leaves and roots decoction is used to treat sexually transmitted infections and sores [19]. In Uganda, bark mixed with fruits is used COG7 as a dressing for wounds and in the treatment of various skin diseases. Therefore, in the current study. The anti-inflammatory activity of has been proposed to act by suppressing inflammatory mediators [20]. The present study ascertained the anti-inflammatory activity of extracts through the inhibition of ROS (antioxidant activity), 15-LOX, NO, COX-2, pyrvinium proinflammatory cytokines, and anti-inflammatory cytokines to enhance understanding of the possible mechanisms of activity against inflammation. The cytotoxicity on normal mammalian (Vero African green monkey kidney) cells was also established. 2. Methods 2.1. Herb Collection (leaves and fruits) and Beauv. (leaves) were collected in the summer of April 2019 from Lynnwood, Pretoria East, South Africa. Voucher specimens for each of the herb species were prepared and deposited at the HGWJ Schweickerdt Herbarium, University of Pretoria. Herbarium voucher specimen numbers PRU/1/125491/Nabatanzi SA for and PRU/1/125492002/Nabatanzi SA for were assigned. 2.2. Herb Storage The leaves of the two herb species were separated from their stems, cleaned of any extraneous matter, and dried separately for 14 days at room heat. The fruits were washed with running tap water, cut into small pieces, and oven-dried at 40C for 16 days. The dried plants were milled to a fine powder in a Macsalab mill (Model 200 LAB; Eriez, Bramley, South Africa) and stored at room heat in closed containers in the dark until used. 2.3. Extraction Procedure Extraction was done at a ratio of 1 1?g of finely ground herb material to 10?mL of solvent. Extracts were then prepared: ? Extract 1 (SPK04): equal amounts of leaves (250?g) and leaves (250?g) were weighed into one big glass container and to it 5?L of methanol was added ? Extract 2 (KFM02): 500?g of fruits was weighed into a big glass container and to it 5?L of hot water was added ? Extract 3 (KFM05): 500?g of was weighed into a big glass container and to it 5?L of acetone was added All the solvents used were of technical grade (Merck, Johannesburg, South Africa). After adding the solvents to the powdered samples, the containers and contents were vigorously shaken for 20 minutes on a Labotec model 20.2 shaking machine at high speed. The containers of extracts were then covered with silver foil and macerated for 24 hours at room heat. After 24 hours, the particulate matter of each extract had sedimented and the supernatant portion was filtered with 0.1?mm2 mesh gauze and then with Whatman No 1 filter paper with a pore size of 11?by stannous chloride reduction of COX-derived PGH2 produced in the COX reaction [24]. The reaction system consists of reaction pyrvinium buffer, haem, enzyme, and herb extract preincubated at 37C for 20?min with background and enzyme controls. The reaction was initiated with the addition of arachidonic acid and incubated for 2?min at 37C. The reaction was stopped with the addition of saturated stannous chloride answer for 5?min at room heat. The prostaglandins were quantified by enzyme immunoassay technique (EIA). An aliquot of these reactions was added to the precoated plates in triplicate together with acetylcholinesterase (AChE) tracer and antiserum and incubated for 18 hours at room temperature on an orbital shaker. The plate was then finally developed with Ellman’s reagent.