J Duncan Dr. cortical GABA levels in MI-1061 individuals with epilepsy suggests that GAD antibodies are, at least, a marker of a specific disease process and support a role for immune-mediated GABAergic dysfunction. ILAE Analysis was performed using the jMRUI software package version 2.2 (http://www.mrui.uab.cat/mrui). The GABA and the glutamate/glutamine (Glx) resonances were both fitted with two Gaussian peaks. The amplitudes of both GABA peaks were summed to give a total value for GABA; summing was similarly performed for the Glx maximum (a composite measure of glutamate and glutamine). Analysis was carried out by two self-employed observers blind to the disease status of the subject. The interobserver reliability was determined using an interrater reliability coefficient at = 0.8801. Sera were acquired on the day of scanning. Antibodies to GAD were measured using MI-1061 a radioimmunoassay kit (RSR Ltd, Cardiff, United Kingdom). The results were compared to known requirements (1C300 devices GAD/ml). Sera with ideals 10 devices/ml (U/ml) were regarded as positive and tested at MI-1061 serial dilutions to obtain accurate ideals LHX2 antibody (Table 1). The sera were bad for antibodies to voltage-gated calcium channels, voltage-gated potassium channels (for methods, observe McKnight et al., 2005), and also for N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors and glycine receptors by routine diagnostic assays. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was not available for screening. Results A summary of the medical information, treatments, and antibody titers for each patient is definitely shown in Table 1. A representative spectrum from your SMC is definitely demonstrated in Fig. 1A. The group of four patients with elevated anti-GAD antibody titers experienced GABA levels lower than the control group [patients GABA-to-N-Acetylaspartate (NAA) ratio (mean standard error, SE) 0.023 0.002; controls 0.032 0.002; Wilcoxon two-sample test, W = 16 p 0.04; Fig. 1C). By contrast, no statistically significant difference in Glx (a composite measure of glutamate and glutamine) was seen (patients Glx-to-NAA ratio 0.041 0.002; controls 0.049 0.004; W = 22, p = 0.31, Fig. 1D). There was no correlation between serum antibody titer and GABA level. There was no difference in the NAA concentrations between the groups (patients 2.04 0.01; controls 2.05 0.04; W = 71, p = 0.57). Conversation This study demonstrates lower cortical GABA levels in a group of four patients with epilepsy and high serum antibody titers to GAD than in a healthy age-matched control group. We wished to explore a region distant to the symptomatic lesion to avoid just measuring the levels in an area of local damage. This obtaining, in cortex not directly affected by the disease process, contrasts with normal GABA levels outside the affected cortical areas in patients with SPS (Levy et al., 2005). One explanation for this observation could be that anti-GAD antibodies are directly pathogenic, in this case in epilepsy, producing a decrease in the activity of GAD within the GABAergic neurons and resulting in a low GABA level; this hypothesis is usually in line with the data from in vitro and animal studies (Vianello et al., 2008). It has been suggested previously that patients with lower occipital GABA content have slower rates of GABA synthesis (Petroff et al., 1996). It may be that this anti-GAD antibodies provide a causal explanation for this reduction in GABA. In this case immunosuppressive therapy would be expected to increase GABA levels in these patients. An alternative explanation is that the antibodies are an epiphenomenon and secondary to damage to GABAergic neurons, although there is no direct evidence for such a process. The resulting release of the intracellular enzyme GAD into the cerebrospinal fluid and then into the blood circulation would lead to the formation of anti-GAD antibodies. In this case immunosuppressive therapy would not be expected to have a therapeutic effect. To reduce this confound we selected a region outside the epileptic focus (where the tissue is likely to be abnormal) to measure GABA levels. However, there is evidence that intravenous immunoglobulin treatment enhances seizure control in SPS. It is possible that it is not the GAD antibodies per se that are pathogenic but additional unidentified antibodies that bind to the GAD-positive inhibitory neurons and interfere with their function (Dalakas, 2008). In either case, the presence of serum autoantibodies in conjunction with a low GABA suggests.
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